Electrofusion Jointing

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The Krah system offers a well-known connection method developed further for large-scale applications which eliminate your concerns by guaranteeing a solid homogeneous pipeline.

The electro-fusion jointing technique is the favorite of all pipe connection systems. This technique is a simple and secure method to install pipes in even very narrow trenches in a short time. The Krah Group successfully developed this technique for large-diameter pipes.

1 A fusion wire is included in the socket of the pipe

2 Position the pipes so that welding connections are easily accessible and put them together

3 Insert the Krah chain tensioning device to tighten it

4 Connect the adapter with the connection wire and start welding. The wire is heated with the help of a special fusion device whereby the two pipe ends (the socket and the spigot) are welded together

This jointing technique allows pipes to be installed in such a short period of time never achieved before.

With Integrated Electro-fusion Socket & Spigot

Any length available up to maximum 6m

Standard : ISO 9969

Available in Ring Stiffness Class:

 SN2, SN4, SN6, SN8, SN10, SN12, SN14, SN16 

We also produce lower stiffness not specified above

  • tailor-made
  • according to your project requirements

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